IPPO Editor, International Public Policy Observatory/The Conversation

This job has expired and applications are closed
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Location: London
Salary details: £45-49,000pa (DoE)
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Based at UCL, and funded by the ESRC, the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) aims to mobilise and assess evidence from around the world to inform policymakers throughout the UK about the best ways to mitigate the social harms associated with COVID-19. Its ambition is to contribute to better policymaking and thereby to the wellbeing of UK citizens.

As an employee of The Conversation, IPPO’s communications partner, the successful candidate will be responsible for managing and promoting IPPO’s editorial outputs. The role will suit a journalist or academic proficient in communicating research to a non-expert audience and with experience of working around academia and policy.

Only applications with a CV and cover letter will be considered for the position. 

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Commissioning, editing, posting, and sharing all content that is published on the IPPO website.

2. Developing and overseeing a communications strategy for each of IPPO’s upcoming evidence products, engaging with and communicating findings to the media.

3. Overseeing, editing, and posting all content produced before and after IPPO events.

4. Liaising with IPPO’s global evidence partners (primarily the Blavatnik School of Government and INGSA) to oversee communication of their global evidence scans.

5. Writing the monthly IPPO newsletter to highlight our latest events and work to our subscribers.

6. Working with all IPPO colleagues to support the Observatory’s overall strategic aims, facilitate clear communication between the ‘demand’ and ‘supply’ sides, and feed into the Monitoring, Engagement & Learning process.

1. Commissioning, editing, posting, and sharing all content that is published on IPPO’s website.

The IPPO website plays an important role in highlighting our work across multiple topic areas to policymakers, academics, and practitioners throughout the UK and beyond. As well as the blogs and longer pieces written by IPPO colleagues, we also invite a wide range of guest authors to inform and expand on our workstreams by writing blogs. You will have full responsibility for managing, editing, and publishing this content. The IPPO website uses a WordPress-based content management system. While some knowledge of WordPress is an advantage, training will be given on how to post articles to the website. Once posted, you will also be expected to share the content on social media, primarily Twitter and LinkedIn.

2. Developing and overseeing a communications strategy for each of IPPO’s upcoming evidence products.

The key ‘supply side’ work of IPPO takes the form of deep reviews of evidence, known as systematic reviews and rapid evidence reviews. While these are overseen by our Co-Investigator (supply), Prof David Gough, and our Research Fellow, Dr. Rachel France, you will play an important role in the dissemination of each review’s key messages – by (i) overseeing the writing of a ‘policy note’ that crystallises these messages in an engaging and impactful way for our relevant audiences, (ii) liaising with relevant media and other organisations to encourage wider dissemination of these key messages through their networks, and (iii) using social media and any other relevant avenues to highlight each review’s findings. In some cases, this may also entail generating additional blogs and, potentially, ‘explainers’ in visual formats.

3. Overseeing, editing, and posting all content produced before and after IPPO events. IPPO organises regular events which are designed to do one of the following:

● Develop our understanding of a particular issue, and the evidence needs of policymakers in this area;
● Test our findings during the process of producing a systematic review or rapid evidence review;
● Launch and publicise IPPO’s findings when one of our systematic reviews or rapid evidence reviews is published. To inform all event attendees, IPPO produces a range of content products: ‘topic snapshots’ to serve as briefings ahead of the event; expert blogs to add additional insights before and/or after the event, and roundtable reports which summarise the discussions and explain our next steps. Again, you will have responsibility for ensuring all this content is written and published to a deadline, in a clear and engaging way as possible.

4. Liaising with IPPO’s global evidence partners to oversee communication of their global scans.

As an international observatory, IPPO works with two partners – the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, and INGSA based at the University of Auckland – to generate evidence from around the world on policy initiatives relating to the social impacts of COVID-19, and the nature and efficacy of different recovery strategies. You will be responsible for liaising with these partners to agree on the content of upcoming global scans, and then editing them once they are filed.

Another key source of global evidence is the IPPO Living Map, created and managed by the UCL EPPI-Centre (another IPPO partner). It is also hoped that IPPO can publicise the content and uses of this Living Map more widely in 2022, and you will be involved in any discussions about this.

5. Writing the IPPO newsletter to highlight our latest events and work to our subscribers.

The Editor is responsible for the production of the IPPO newsletter, which is sent out to all our subscribers every four-to-six weeks and also published on our website.

6. Working with all IPPO colleagues to support the Observatory’s overall strategic aims, facilitate internal communication between the ‘demand’ and ‘supply’ operations, and feed into the Monitoring, Engagement & Learning process.

You will attend meetings that are designed (i) to discuss and communicate strategy decisions, and (ii) to provide progress reports on our workstreams and events. A number of follow-up actions are likely to emerge from these. You will provide updates to the Leadership Team on a wide range of editorial matters including the management and publishing of IPPO content.

You will also liaise with our Policy Advisor, Katrina Rattu, regarding feeding into IPPO’s Monitoring, Engagement & Learning (MEL) process, and with our Observatory Manager, Ayden Wilson, on any other needs relating to our communications with our funders, the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC). You will also have line management responsibility for the IPPO Cities Editor.


This job description reflects the present requirements of the post, and as duties and responsibilities change/develop, the job description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.

The post holder will carry out any other duties within the scope, spirit, and purpose of the job as requested by the line manager or Principle Investigator.

The post holder will actively follow UCL policies including Equal Opportunities policies and be expected to give consideration within their role as to how they can actively advance equality of opportunity and good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

The post holder will maintain an awareness and observation of Fire and Health & Safety Regulations.

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