Things You Need To Know Before You Apply
- We never close applications early and we read every application. Take your time to think about your entry and spend the time getting it right. We give feedback to all applications and there is no interview process for this fellowship.
- Check you are eligible before you apply — for this specific scheme we are only able to accept people based in the UK, who do not have a paid full or part-time job in journalism, and, if you are studying, have less than a year to go.
- This scheme is a six-month commitment, with fellows expected to complete the whole programme. This will include at least six webinars, six mentoring calls, and one piece for the Journo Resources website. The whole scheme is entirely virtual.
- Fellows will be announced publically on the Journo Resources website.
- Fellows will be paid as a freelancer upon completion of their agreed piece for the website.
- We’d really love you to apply!
How To Apply
Applying to the Journo Resources Fellowship is really simple — all you need to do is fill out the short form below telling us:
- An idea you would like to write for our website;
- TIP: This must be a story that works for Journo Resources, take a look at our editorial content here and what our past fellows have written. Try to find a new angle that fits our style;
- TIP: We really want to hear from people who are marginalised or underrepresented and want to hear your stories — but please don’t feel bound to writing about your identity. We want all your ideas, whatever they’re about.
- A link to up to two things you have written or filmed;
- TIP: This doesn’t have to be a professional piece of work! Student media, a self-published blog, or even an essay is fine. We’re not worried about big bylines.
- TIP: Please don’t send us a portfolio site or author page — please pick out two pieces.
- Up to 150 words on why you want to be a journalist;
- Up to 100 words on why you want to join this scheme and how it would help you.
In your application, you will also be asked to share your LinkedIn profile. If you do not have an account we will also accept a link to another social media page or a portfolio website. We are unable to accept CVs.
Applications to the scheme close at 11.59pm on July 16. Please submit your application using the form below.
Everyone who applies will receive personal feedback, but we are unable to accept late submissions. Questions should be directed to or our social media accounts — we will try to answer questions as soon as possible, but we’re a tiny part-time team, so please be kind!
The JR Fellowship Is Kindly Supported By

The Printing Charity has supported the Journo Resources Fellowship for three years now—and we’re incredibly grateful!
The leading charity for the printing, paper, publishing, packaging, and graphics sector, they provide practical, emotional, and financial support for people in crisis as well as championing young talent within our vibrant industry.

Newsworks is the marketing body for the UK’s national news publishers. We champion the importance of a free press and lead collaboration across the industry to support the future for trusted journalism.
Why? Because for readers. For society. For brands. Journalism matters. More now than ever.

The Daniel Phelan Trust was set up in memory of Daniel Phelan (1956 – 2015) who was a successful entrepreneur/publisher. He founded the media company Civil Society Media which is still going strong today.
Daniel was a passionate believer both in the power of journalism to speak truth to power and the importance of encouraging diversity in the profession.
As a charitable trust, our aim is to challenge current statistics and to create pathways for young people from underrepresented communities to enter the profession and to have agency in our democracy.